Hi there.
Thanks for finding my blog! I hope you'll think your 5 minutes spent reading it was worth your while. Every now and then I like to get all the clutter out of my mind, and well... that's what blogs are for ;)
I've been thinking a lot lately about distractions, and how often we use them to escape reality. I confess I often have moments in my life where I feel so overwhelmed or overworked, that I refuse to think any more. Usually I'll scout out new music online or watch something funny to release the tension.
I know its necessary to take leisure time for yourself, yet I wonder how edifying these activities are, especially as they become more and more frequent. Take a look at REALITY TV. You know who the viewers are? People who are so fed up with their own lives, they have to resort to living vicariously through others. I'll admit, I've become a victim at one point in my life, where I would have to see the following episode of "America's Next Top Model", "Dr. Phil" or "What Not to Wear" (even though I hate fashion!!). When we engulf ourselves in other people's issues or problems, somehow we feel better about ourselves.
However, when the TV turns off, reality hits. The dishes still need to be done, you still feel sore about what someone said earlier on to you, and you're still trying to figure out how you'll possibly pay off all the bills.
I don't want my life to be one distraction after the next. It isn't right of me to want to run, or cower. My actions suggest God is not enough to handle my life's problems. My faith in Christ should not be a bandaid, but rather the proven remedy for healing. Distraction is a tool that this world uses to defer pain. Faith is a tool that we can use to FACE pain, and overcome. The Bible says he uses ALL things for the good of those who love the Lord.
As my life is being bombarded with so many demands, my initial response is to crawl into a ball, and disappear. And yet, I see Jesus reaching out to me, calling for me to arise and climb to a NEW level of faith.
The word of God is "Sharper than any double-edged sword" (Heb 4:12). It is a sure defence in any battle. Why do I hesitate to use it? Growing up I remember my father always telling me to never run from my problems. I challenge myself... and I challenge you: to fight spiritual warfare with the right weapon!
I need to start really BELIEVING the promises in His word. His Word needs to be enough. Christ needs to be enough... so that I may be whole, and lack nothing (James 1:4).